Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My late JJ Recap

First of all, thanks to all for your kind words and our advice re: my car situation. I've met with my insurance adjuster, the auto body guys, and the police again (they might have a lead) so it looks like things will work out after all. So, thanks again.

I thought the JJ Dinner was great, and I had an awesome time. Like Vivian Paige, woman of the amazing skin and vibrant personality, I too mostly enjoy events like the JJ because it gives me a chance to catch up with all of my blogging buddies I rarely get to see. I also love the excitement one feels by simply being in a room with the likes of Tim Kaine, Mark Warner, Jim Webb, Obama, Leslie Byrne, etc., etc., etc. I assume most boggers agree with that sentiment; I mean you certainly don't go for the food or incredibly overpriced drinks, right? Right. And of course, I too like to check out what other people are wearing, whose shoes will undoubtedly make people cry in the morning after wearing them, and who spent more time then necessary on their hair.

We arrived pretty late for people who live only 6 blocks away, but I haven't been on time for anything in a long time (perhaps NEVER) so I wasn't distressed. We figured Jim Webb would have to cancel his reception since the vote went on until after 3:30pm, so we took our time and didn't make it until almost 6pm. We immediately caught up with Kathy Gerber, Reen, Eric from RK, and TeacherKen and chatted with them before we made our way down the very long hallway to the reception. I saw some more familiar faces along the way and before we went in to the enormous bar area, we took a look at the 08 contenders tables filled with signs, stickers, bumper stickers, sign up sheets, and much more. We chose not to wear any stickers, and we didn't grab any material. Like I have said before, neither of us have made up our minds for 08 yet, but it certainly seems that a lot of other Virginians have; the area was packed throughout the evening.

So we chatted and hung out and later sat down for dinner and speeches. Personally, I was most impressed by Tim Kaine. He was eloquent, entertaining, and just plain excellent. I thought everyone did well, but he struck me the most, so kudos, Governor Kaine.

I have to say, and I know this sounds strange, but the highlight of my evening was hanging out in the bar area by a garbage can with Andy Hurst and a bunch of other active bloggers (though Creigh Deeds coming back after we said hello to ask me if I cut my hair and then telling me it looked great is a pretty close second). It's so refreshing to be able to chat with someone like Andy, a man I really hoped would win in 06 and whom I hope runs again in the future. I think throughout the election cycle and politics in general, it is really easy to forget that people are people, and even though someone may be an elected official or in a higher position than you, when you get right down to it there is a lot more than politics to discuss and probably a lot more things you have in common than you would think. And talking to Andy, chatting with my fellow bloggers (some of whom were far more influential to the 06 election than anyone could have imagined), and taking in all of the speeches and the ceremony on a whole, I was struck by something and mildly disappointed...
Two very important groups of people were not mentioned and were not thanked. Those groups were a) the netroots, and b) the people who ran as Democratic candidates in the state of Virginia and did not win their election.
Now, yes; there were thank you shout-outs to volunteers and there were grassroots awards given to individuals and groups of people. That's awesome, and as it should be. I don't think we need to go so far as to award bloggers with trophies or their name on a program, but I do think that it is important to continually remind others who may not know what we do that yes, we are out here, and yes, this is the new age of politics in which we are all actively participating. A simple mention, especially in the case of online contributions raised for candidates by local and national blogs would have been appreciated. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and anyone and everyone is free to disagree.

I find the silence towards our unsuccessful candidates a little more disappointing. People put their blood, sweat and tears into their candidacy and whether or not they won did not change that. We had brave men and women run for seats we never thought we could win, and they all deserve a big thanks. So, every one of them will get it here.

Thank you Harris Miller (total class act, btw, and yes; I owe you a recipe, sir, and I promise to deliver), Shawn O'Donnell, Phil Kellam, Al Weed, Jim Nachman, Judy Feder, Andy Hurst, and Jeanette Rishell. As a Virginia Democrat, I am thankful you all ran for office, and I think you played an important role in democracy. Thanks.

If I missed anyone, please let me know and I will edit.


Blogger Vivian J. Paige said...

Jamie - very good point on thanking the folks who ran. All too soon we forget them, and we shouldn't.

(As for my skin - good genes, and a little soap & water. Nothing fancy here. Oh - and you could have asked.)

7:24 PM  
Blogger Phriendly Jaime said...

Eh, some are not so keen on the personal questions. I have unfortunately learned the hard way. But, the good thing is I know in the future I can ask you questions like that. I won't get TOO personal though, don't worry. :)

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, Andy is a great guy. He is one of the politicians that you can tell actually believes in his platform and wasn't just saying what he thought the voters wanted to hear.

11:31 AM  
Blogger JMUDuke said...

I think another highlight was milling around the lobby of the Marriott after the dinner, definitely had the opportunity to meet some interesting folks and enjoy the atmosphere.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Phriendly Jaime said...

AND talk about "hard hitting issues." ;)

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The faux-snakebite was harder-hitting than expected, but I don't think it qualifies as an issue.

5:24 PM  

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